Learn How to Play the Guitar If Have Small Hands and Are Left Handed

First, if you want to play the guitar and you have small hands, don't let that stop you. Be assured that there are guitars designed to suit small hands. 

Yamaha FG JR1 3/4 Size Acoustic Guitar for Small Hands

If you are left-handed, it won't be a problem if you are determined and can spend the time learning. These famous left-handed guitarists, to name just a few, will inspire you. Jimmy Hendrix, famous for his blues and jazz styles, Paul McCartney, for his melodic bass style, Kurt Cobain, of Nirvana for pop music and punk rock and Graham Russell of Air Supply. They used re-strung guitars and left handed guitars. As a beginner, you may not need to re-string the guitar but simply learn to play the guitar upside down. 

Find out which left-handed players' styles inspire you the most. You may be interested in their stories. If you find it difficult to learn this way with the guitar upside down, you can always get a re-strung acoustic guitar.

If you plan to play an electric guitar, it is not easy to play the guitar upside down when it comes to using the tone and volume controls. Then it would be best to get the left handed guitar as no re-stringing will be needed.

Be inspired! You can achieve your dreams if you have small hands and are left-handed. If you have made up your mind, you can do it!

Stagg SW201 3/4 LHBLS Dreadnought 3/4 Model Left Handed Acoustic Guitar - Blueburst

What are the benefits of learning to play the guitar?

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